"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha
Inauguration Of 44th President of the USA
I got up to watch the Inauguration of 44th president of United Stated of America Barak Obama. I can't believe it and still so excited over this. It was so beautiful to see I almost cried. I didn't want to go to work today. I wanted to witness this historical event on TV even if I can't go to DC and be there in person. I wanted to celebrate with the country. This is amazing, in my life time, this is now, this is truly happening. The speech was inspiring as usual. Yoyo Ma looked cold but so happy. Even the pianist had gloves on on the key board. They elected to play without their winter coats unlike everyone else, totally classically professional. The lawn was full about 2 million people and many more who were in line with tickets but can't get in because the lawn is already over it's max capacity. I heard it took 3 hours to go 5 miles in the line. I guess you just have to start early. There were over 100 venues along the line.
Everyone who was in town complained about how cold it was. I even watched the parade in the afternoon. I just couldn't get enough of this day and I kept reminding myself this is really happening.
In the evening there were 10 balls. The first one is People's Ball, and it's free. It was the first one the President and his wife danced at with Beyonce singing the first song for the night.