Friendly Intervention


I am walking with others indoors, circular formation, palms together reciting.  A being freezes me in attempts to take over.  I can’t move and I refused to give in.  I focused and held my stance as I recited.  I survived, lingering pain on left arm ran, congested tense tight sore swollen, up the arm to shoulders to back.  Second Aunty appears and is volunteering to fix this condition, undo it, pulling me out of the circular line, calling lots of attention.  I refused to have her treat me.  She thought I refused the location so she picked an office.  I refused again.  I sensed him first then saw him, Venerable Empty Cloud was present, and next to him was a Chinese Traditional Medicine female doctor.  Venerable Empty Cloud appears to be in his 70’s with his Guan Yin hoodie on.  It was then I began to feel safe and that everything will be okay with him around and knew he would help me.  All these pains were demons clogs.  The Venerable seems to step in, in intervention when it comes to the Surangama category of things.  Thank you for being a friend Venerable Empty Cloud.  I am grateful.