"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha
Getting Set Up
Day 2 Turtle Mountain 2010
I am not comfortable in sleeping at Half Can. I don’t know why others really like to. I insisted on sleeping at camp even if it was by myself and unleveled. Loc kindly drove me up the hill so I can set up and sleep at the camp site. I love the sounds of the wind and leaves, a gentle chime of sea breeze waves a kind of lullaby, so beautiful and wonderful, very healing and soothing. I look forward to this every year. I have waited all year for this. I am not going to waste a night skipping out on it.
Anthony made blueberry pancakes for breakfast. It took a long time because he could only make 1 at a time over the skillet, each one perfect. We didn’t eat breakfast until 10am. It was worth the wait. So we ended up having lunch at 2pm. Chili burrito chips salsa guacamole build it yourself lunch. I also made salad and taquitos. For dinner we had burgers and Indian poori salad.
My experience for the day, everyone worked in harmony. No one yelled, no one was commanding, no top down oppressive structure, no disgruntle stinkers, or poopers unhappy until they spoil everything and everyone. Everyone lent their strength, worked, and worked. I feel joyfully peaceful, fatigued and happy to see all this beauty. Most of all I feel grateful for all of this.