Kentucky Falls, a Must

Day 7
Today I organized and cooked tomorrow's road trip home lunch box. Then I along with everyone else who wanted to hike to Kentucky Falls left for the fun. 

I really love the trails to Kentucky Falls. It find it very pristine. The trails are well padded from trees. Everything is luscious and green. Plenty of beautiful wild flowers to discover. I feel as if elves and unicorn would be popping out here or there when I hike the trail. It's just so beautiful. 
Then there is the Kentucky Falls to get wet in. It's cold, very cold, but feels very healing. I hate to miss a hike and the water when I am in Turtle Mountain. One of the girls slipped and twisted her ankle. Glad I hiked last and was the sweeper to help her out. Glad I packed in bandage tape for stuff like this.