Wasted Worries


Rev. Heng Sure is almost done with his Dharma Lecture at an Asian community center. I head for my car which is parked next to his. As I approached my car, I noticed, all of a sudden his car without any driver or ignition started, moved reverse in full pedal speed backing into heavy 2 way traffic as if it was rigged to self destruction, suicide mode. I bolted after the Subaru as if I could stop the car and protect it with my bare fragile human fingers. Collision appeared to be inevitable. Cars hit his car and was turned into a scrunched up ball, completely totaled. They hit the force field that was protecting the car. Or was it Irabana-san’s force field that protected the car from any damage, wow, very strong protection!

Has it always been like this I wondered? Did I just not have faith or just lacked understanding? How I have wasted so much energy worrying so much all these years. It really is going to be okay.  All of it!