"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha
Professor Henry and Joanne Rosemont on Bhutan
Tonight's talk on state of Bhutan concerning its future reminded me a lot of current Nepal. In regards to its education with concentration on English focusing on tourism and the issue of loosing cultural identity, I feel Nepal is a few generations ahead of Bhutan. I think Bhutan government is trying to learn from it's neighboring countries and hoping to avoid some things that came along with capitalism.
I have to say the best part of the evening was the address to the State on matters and concerns for the preservation of culture and future development. He spoke like a honored venerated official just like someone who stepped out of historical classics, with all the virtues and characters, leaders with hearts of gold and mind like the sun, bright. I was totally impressed, can't believe such people still exist.