

I am standing on dirt floor facing bunk beds set up for concentration camps or slave trade.  A large woman exhausted and ill is in the middle bunk by the entrance of this room.  It is night time and the night is barely lit by candle light.  Everything feels grimy, dirty, sweaty, unpleasant, and unhappy.  The people looked that way too.  Within the vignette of the entrance I saw a large strong female arm extended exhausted toss out s lump, brown and red.  It lands on the entrance way, looking about 6 inches long curled up, not crying or moving, still hot from birth, it is bloody from the fetal sack and the bleeding of its own blood from a broken neck, head tilting to the right.  Minutes was all this body had left, I scream in horror, it’s too late for the baby, how about the mother?  I run for a doctor. 

When I exited the bunk bed barn like structure, I entered another scene, this scene is different than the previous one that was more primitive, I am in a different time, it was the time of horses as the mode of transportation. 

I finally found a doctor, facing the unwilling doctor who refused to get involved, I found myself in another scene and another time.  It is the present time of now, and in the hallway by the kitchen of the house I lived in.  I screamed at the doctor, “If you won’t help, I’ll have to call the cops!”  Totally ready to pull out my cell phone, I ran for my room, a portal to another time, a gateway to another scene of horses and cities.  At the hallway outside of my room, a man grabs me from behind takes me down as I wrestled with him not loosing in strength or endurance, he pulls out a needle and injects me with a drug, to silence me and confuse me.  I fought to get up, I did and I fought to not be overpowered by the drug.  I could not hear myself speak and my sense of vision was warped.  I cannot tell if I have a voice.  I continue to scream and I spoke and stumbled through the gateway.

The scene changed, what was the room of the slave beds was now a corner building.  What was a time of horses and candle wick light is now time of carriages and lamp lit streets.  I am clear and awake and still speaking.  I hear my voice through my thoughts.  The drug muffled my ear’s hearing abilities.  This attempt was to fool me into thinking I am mute, insane, and that I don’t have a voice.  Its goal was to silence me from speaking and exposing what is illegal, injustice, suffering, afflictions, so no one is saved and the control, power, and fear continues, harm gets away with harm.