I dreamed I was underground in middle earth like place. It was not a human realm. Naoki made a friend or acquaintance with a child from the other realm. It was dark and dimly lit. There seems to be earth everywhere. There are tunnel ways connecting from this to that and in between are gates that lock and divide sections off. The gates have curfews and shuts on time.
The boy wanted to trade a toy with Naoki and headed back into a gate to get his toy for trade. Naoki tried to follow through the gate but it shut in his face. Then a man from the other side of the gate looked at him with displeasing eyes. From his looks it was clear that we were not suppose to be there. We were not suppose to be in that world. I pulled Naoki out away from the gate. He told us he'll tell the boy that we had to leave and didn't have time to wait. I turned to look for a way out since it was not the human realm. My parents along with Helen and her 3 kids were there. I saw from the man that this cross over was an accident and he would make sure it wouldn't happen again. He would not let the child out again because what the child doesn't know is a form of protection. Ignorance is bliss in this case, this was not utopia and the man wanted the boy to stay happy as long as he can until true reality sits in that he will have to face day after day for the rest of his life. I searched for a way out. I had Lena on my back telling her to hang on tight. I had Ellie on my right side hip. I was walking on roots of a tree. Underground is where tree roots grow. I kept pulling on each root trying to figure to which leg was the portal key. Naoki was right behind. I needed both hands and had everyone hang onto me instead. I finally located the root and we made a human chain and everyone was hanging on behind me. I tugged the root and we all transported out of there.