Day 2
Woke up really tired. I was too exhausted to have any appetite. I had to force myself to eat. I ate slowly and drank slowly. My heart was still racing from yesterday.
I pumped water from the creek and filtered it. I've had this filter for 10 years I hoped it was fine to still use. I did laundry and hung it on a line tied to two trees.
I kept thinking about how some things are just not working in my lifestyle. It's really not in the rhythm of the body and nature.
I went to the hot spring to soak all the the tension away. The water runs from the grounds from natural sources and through time people at the park has made little pools walled with rocks. I first walked towards the upper pools and saw Meelah from San Francisco who seems to be stuck in the nudist hippie days because he walked naked everywhere carrying his clothes on his neck. He asked to join my pool and I agreed. I shared my cookies with him. He asked if I mind 2nd hand pot smoking. I told him I was chemically sensitive and gets very sick. After awhile he pulled out his pipe and smoked anyways. I decided to leave this pool and walk towards the creek where another that was hotter but smaller.
In this hot pool I met Ben from Biola La doing photography. I shared my cookies and oranges. They were happy because they didn't bring enough food and the food they brought were drinks, hot dogs and cookies. Ryan one of the guy's brother is said to be afraid of Big Foot and sleeping at night. This was his first camping experience and he brought a blanket and not a sleeping bag. They also did not bring a tent. Ryan got up middle of the night to chop wood and built a sauna with tarp, hot rock and poured water over the tarp. One of the guys had Heb 22:1 tattooed on his chest where his heart is. Another guy in the group voted to go and visit Tassahara. They all eventually joined the pot man in his pool to share his pot and go naked.
I left the pool when the last bit of day light was fading. My camp wasn't far from the pools. I rushed back to pull my laundry out before it dampens with the night. I pumped more water because I really don't see myself doing this in the morning cold and barely awake. I decided to use an SK II mask I brought and hydrate my face from hours of soaking.
I made Tzu Chi curry ramen for dinner. I swallowed it. This was a sign that I was feeling better because I had appetite to eat. I really could of stopped but I went for a second round of instant noodles.
Last night a little visitor left a trail of orange Russian tea cookie crumbs all over my camp. So tonight I decided I needed to hang my food to not encourage little crawlers to visit my camp tonight. Then I have to watch out for blue jays from pecking my food.