I woke up so exhausted I barely had any voice. It actually made me sound good. I was wondering whether or not I could keep this new voice. I had breakfast and watched TV. I saw the Christmas in the Park parade on TV. I would have personally gone and stood in the cold if I knew it was happening. Maybe next year. I cheered as if I was there when my old high school marching band marched by. My mom said,"you are like still in high school" in a nice way. Then I switched to the ARTS channel and ballet was on and we watched it together. She then said to me softly,"remember you used to tap dance and your feet was tapping all the time, and that was troublesome for me" in a very nice and reminiscing way. I must have been loud then and not very good either. I must have given her headaches. Well, I think that was the first nice exchange we had in.... oh, ...well... I can't remember at all when the last time was. Did it ever existed? This is a good new start I'd say.
Then I zipped out and went shopping. I had done all my research in the past few weeks on where to buy what at best price etc... so shopping today was fun, easy and not stressful.