
Decided to make it to Taize at Mercy Center. I went a few hours early to meditate in the garden and do walking meditation.

This image was dedicated to Father Thomas Hand who headed East West Meditation.

Saint Francis of Assisi is one of my favorite saints because of our relationship to animals. I miss Assisi, Italy.

On the grounds there are lots of old trees. I just like being around old trees. Especially sitting under one.

I am a fan of old school classical art especially Celtic stone work.

This rock garden is the entrance to the labyrnth.

My relationship to walking the labrynth is an interesting one. It really works every time and it goes like this. On the first circle in part way I would loose myself and forget. I would forget to keep track of how I started and where I've been. I would then doubt if I skipped a line and made the wrong turn. That some how I would not complete my circle in but end up circling out. Then I would tell myself, "it's okay, if that happens then just start over, keep going." I keep going and I discover I was right all along, I made it in. That I shouldn't have panic and doubted myself and I seem to always do this.

I circle outward. Part way I would loose myself and forget. I would forget to keep track of how I started and where I've been. I would then doubt if I skipped a line and made the wrong turn. That some how I would not complete my circle out but end up circling in instead. Then I would tell myself, "it's okay, if that happens then just start over, keep going." I keep going and I discover I was right all along, I made it out. That I shouldn't have panic and doubted myself and I seem to always do this, again and again. I sat down on a bench underneath an old tree and I laughed at myself while the mosquitos made a fiesta feast out of me. I didn't mind, I was having too good of a time to get caught up in the pesty mosquitos.

These women in the photo walked after me. I sat and watched them and I admired their strength. It made me want to walk again to join the group and be in their circle. A strong circle of women they are.

I love Taize, espeically by Sister Susanne Toolan. I was happy to come across her on my way into the chapel. She right away referred me to Sister Patsy's youth group. I would like to join the youth group but I'm not sure my birth age would qualify. But to Sr Susanne in her 90's I am a youth.

I cry every time at Taize. I didn't bring tissue with me this time because I was so confident I wouldn't cry. When the beautiful piano and the viola started the prayers my nose scrinched up and I knew I should have brought a box of tissue with me.

Here is their info.