Day 10
Didn't go anywhere today. I got out of bed at 10am because I went to bed really late again. Had lunch with 4th aunty and her husband, 3rd aunty and mom. The three sisters cooked together. Lunch lasted 3 hours. Then 4th aunty chatted with me for another hour after that. Figuring out the cell phone thing took awhile afterwards, and then they all went and took a nap. I did enjoy a day of down time and lots of good tea to drink.
This photo is of my 4th aunty trying to figure out which one was her scooter in the dark and finally got help from her son.
This habit of not being able to find keys, cars, purse, phone etc... seems to run in the family of the sisters. They are infamous for this and they all seem to have patient understanding supportive husbands. I hope to not continue such inheritance or tradition of absent mindedness when I grow older.