Living the Past Now, Getting It Right Now

Day 20 National Parks 2011

I got up at 4am to look at the sky, it was tungsten blue and the moon was a pretty crescent.  Then I went back to bed, it was chilly and cold.  I tried to go back to sleep and I kept hearing the same snore from the same direction even though the neighbors have come and gone with two to three changes already.  I began to wonder if it was some round animal sleeping underneath the ground at my site and snores. 

I finally got out of bed at 7am feeling really tired and unwell.  The restroom had one toilet out of three that was situated properly and it was stall number three.  But this morning the toilet was locked labeled out of order.  The other two options were terrible, the second stall is on a slant so the toilet isn’t flat and when you flushed, it flowed out to the right and floods both floors of the first and second stall.  Super gross and nasty and a total sanitation health code hazard.  This is insane, one working stall for the entire packed campground and the only one working sink too that runs and overflows.

Today was laundry day, I put up my two laundry lines and hangers across four trees approximately 14 feet across.  I had ropes that were 16 feet across.  The lines were hung in the shade and full of needles from the pine trees, however the wind was really strong so I had hoped it might just be okay in drying my laundry.  Fortunately most of my clothes were synthetic, which dried fast.  The temperature was at high 50’s, not too warm.  The cotton had to be hung in the car for added temperature induced by the sun heating up the car to a whole 15 to 20 degrees warmer.  My laundry did fit into a regular size cycle.  I enjoyed using the clean restroom at the laundry facility. 

I went to the post office while my laundry ran and saw it was closed on Saturday and Sunday.  I felt frustrated on why I even bothered to go to the post office to begin with and recalled this information did fly across me the other day, I just forgot.  So I decided to check out the gift ship in the lodge for cards.  I wasn’t too happy about the two cards I picked out so I walked around the shop with those two cards hoping to come across something else.  As I walked around I felt a surveillance force on me.  I felt sick and dizzy, very off balanced, and sick to my stomach from it.  I paid for my cards and didn’t want a receipt.  I went back to pick up my finished laundry and then put them up on the line back in camp. 

I still felt sick and I laid on the hammock and inquired into this pain.  I noticed something cold and damp hit my tummy.  I saw in past life, many time systems ago, I was a male young boy who stole bread from the bread keeper at her shop.  This same bread keeper was the cashier today at the gift shop who took my money for the cards I bought.  She used to chase me out of her shop to let me know she knew I stole but would let me run and get away with the bread because she knew I was poor and starving.  I continued this into adult life of that particular past life.  The distress sickening state I was in was a collections what she experienced every time I stole from her bakery, the sickening ill feeling of threat, lack of security and safety, harm, damages, fear, worry, affliction, etc..  Although it has been many Buddhas since then, we both have grown and transformed much, the last time she saw me was then and it was the last memory she had of me, one that brought her ill, pain, sickening tormented experience.  So she automatically had only that to go on upon the first sighting of me, one of relenting distrust and pain. 

I repented, apologized, and said I would never ever do that again and I was very, very sorry for all the harm I caused and was grateful she let me keep the bread to live on and survive each time.  I felt immediately better and understood so many things about how everything is not an accident.  That I have done wrong in the past of long, long ago and people remembered how I have wronged them.  That a times such looks, stares, attitudes may seem out of place and context now but it is only because I don’t remember.  Everything is fair, there are no accidents.

I had a chat with my body in regards to this morning’s dream.  It was about setting things straight.  I am clear that for me awareness happens when I have rested.  I needed to rest in order to process, digest, open up and notice things.  I have come to wake up and change for the better.  This is my pilgrimage, my journey.  I crammed a lot into my list.  Yes I can!  Yes I will!  Yes I shall!      

My body itches from all the bug bites.  My car smells like wet dog with the wet cotton laundry hanging all over.  By noon all my cotton clothes dried in the car.  I shifted any synthetic clothes not yet dried by the sun into the car for fast drying.  By 1:20pm all the synthetics dried too.  I then packed my car for tomorrow’s roll off.  My trunk had more space because I ate half of the food I brought.  Then I laid on the hammock one last time.  I thanked the trees and the land.  Then at 3pm I packed the hammock away too. 

I then drove to Lewis Lake to look at it one last time.  Today all the ice and snow were melted.  It looked like a completely different lake.  I liked it better with snow and ice on the lake.  I went to Heart Lake to hike the trail and it was closed for bear management.  This means there are mama bears and cubs.   

I then went to Grant Village visitor center to charge all my electronics by the fireplace for two and half hours.  I also uploaded all my Yellowstone photos.  I did research on Glacier National Park, my next destination, there was a travel book sitting on the table by the couch.  I also figured out the directions for getting to the West Coast from here. 

Super tired by 7pm and I didn’t even exercise today.  I could use a Turkish spa scrub down, I am so caked in dirt and sweat.