Not Quite There


I am in the shallow protected part of ocean beach inside the break.  It’s an overcast day, not sunny or day time, not night either, enough light to see 100 feet, no blinding reflection.  Lucy was in the water too, no ocean wave breaks, more like river currents, gentle.  We are all in a class.  I had missed a few classes and there would be tests coming up.  Lucy debriefed me on skills taught and skills that will be tested.  These sets of tests were all to see the stage of development and strength of my core, all in water during a not so gentle current condition.  I tried the positions and recalled I had learned this before.  I can do this all of this.  Am I fit to carry them out?  Not fit to get a perfect ten for beauty in execution.  I may be able to demonstrate, I can identify, I can do some sort of display, I think if I can train my body for a week I can get back to a ten.