She's a Sneaky One, Hidding

After lunch I pulled out French truffle chocolate to have with Toure.  At the start he seemed guarded and hurt but was polite enough to sit with me and chat.  He loosened up after a few minutes and expressed his interest in going to Pt Reyes for a hike.  John finally showed up at the monastery and it was lovely to see him. 

I took a 25 minute break underneath a tree this afternoon.  This really rejuvenated me.  I felt my eyes cleared.  

My dinner disappeared so I had to go get dinner and decided to go to Cheeseboard Pizza.  It felt like a routine to go now.  When I got there I realized I went for the music and not the pizza.  I went for the rhythm of the crowd. 

I saw a friend tonight, I inquired about tea with her and noticed she was in a transitional healing space and having her do things, just the thought of it exhausts her.  She physically looked good.  The fatigue is around her eyes.  Her complexion is good and so is the beautiful spirit in her eyes.  She is a sneaky one, hiding her fatigue of life and living from the public.  I am glad she was able to say politely and articulate no and why.  I should have paid more careful attention to this matter.  

Instead of driving up to CTTB I felt too tired and decided to drive home.  It was cold tonight, windy too.  It was good I had the black fleece jacket on.