Bhel is Delicious and Nutritious

Went to Charity Focus Wednesday meditation. Rev. Heng Sure spoke this evening. He shared stories of Ven. Hsuan Hua responding to a question on "why lecture the 'Flower Adornment Sutra'?" Ven. Hsuan Hua replied, "In the past, during the time of Vairochana Buddha when who are present heard the 'Flower Adornment Sutra' made a vow to come to this world at this time to be of service and help others. Some of you made vows to be monastic. Some of you made vows to translate sutras. Some of you made vows to cook. etc...." Nipun later asked me if I have heard of this before and I have. For one, it never gets old. Plus it's not whether or not I have heard of this before, for me it is what happens each time within when I hear it. Some things clear up inside. I feel more centered and grounded. Not just for the moment but some thing bigger.

Then I helped out with assembling and serving the Gugurati dish Bhel. Mama Mehta, Nipun's mom makes it very delicious.

There was no wisdom scroll this year. I was a bit disappointed about it, I've got one from each year and have a nice collection. I see it as the fortune cookie wisdom for the year. It's pretty on or maybe I have just been making a bigger deal of it each year because it just is fun. Although I didn't get this from the event, I feel that it is my wisdome scroll for the new year.

I slept and dreamt that life was joy,
I awoke and saw that life was service,
I acted and, behold,
service was joy
by Rabindranath Tagore