"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha
Engine 2, 6 Changes, Resolutions, Changes, Vows Lifetimes
Tonight at Teance the talk was about how to set up new years resolutions and manifest it. http://6changes.com/ was highlighted. I thought it was really great and well done. Wish I came up with that, at least some one did.
Two people recently decided to become vegan recently and Engine 2 by Rip Esselstyn was mentioned. He is a fireman from Texas who has a famous doctor for a father. He turned his entire crew into vegans and dropped their cholestral level etc... his story and his current projects are worth checking out http://www.theengine2diet.com/
I'm trying to recall this next part, hope I've got it right; Resolutions is something you do, vows you make extends beyond this body this life.
Then we hung out till 2am playing with Chinese and Western Astrological signs off Facebook app and ironing out our New Year's eve party plans and back up plans. Virginia is back for vacay from teaching in Japan. Ching is back from photojournalistic work in Middle East.