Some People Forgot the Cheer in Holiday Cheer

Tree and presents were up and done in Thanksgiving weekend. Christmas cards via post snail mail are all sent out. In the past week I made two rounds of 17 dozen cookies. I have my 3rd round tonight or tomorrow and the last will be next week. I am feeling a bit tired and under the weather to do the cookies tonight, so tomorrow then. I have a bit of cough. I could use a nap before badminton tonight.

I think there are lots of people who are stressed out everywhere. Driving becomes an issue, must spot out road rage drivers and avoid them. They are dangerous and scary!

I was at the post office today and wanted to let the elderly go first before me. I turned around to see who was in line, well, there were lots of elderly. I didn't know how to proceed, who do I pick, it was a long line half were elderly. So I let the postal workers take the initiative to do so and they didn't. It didn't work out as planned.