"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha
DRBY White Elephant Party
It was a pot luck white elephant holiday party. Food is always good and plenty. Presents vary from year to year. The politically corrected term of stealing was switched to taking. The theme on gift this year were 3 Up DVD and books. Talks of banning Pixar from next year's list of do not brings along with previous year's lists of chocolate, bike parts, unwanted household items was in the making. Hot items that make a hit each year has been good board games. Smart Ass was a hot item and so was Sequence. We played sequence with three teams and nine people total. By round three of the game, people got really into it. I had a lot of fun. Tea and hot chocolate along with vegan ice cream closed off the evening. We were all too lazy to walk across the cross walk diagonally to the monastery to deck the tree for the holiday.
It was pouring outside. At 11pm the party ended. I stood on the porch with David avoiding the rain but the cold was unavoidable. We stood there and chatted for the next three hours in the cold, shifting feet with our heads all wrapped up to attempt to stay warm. I can't say I succeed, I was cold the whole time physically. But heart warming conversations make it worth it. Had to call it off because I could no longer shake off the cold from shivering. The 2-5am time is the coldest.
By then the rain stopped, which made it better for driving. It was so wet, there were lots of spots of hyrdro gliding potentials on the high way. Driving vision was especially difficult this evening. There were cars flipped upside down on the side of the high way. Poor ants and insects, and all those who live outdoors, are most likely having a terrible time staying warm, and dry and most likely been flooded out.