I stopped by North Face today. I parked by the skate park. It was a very nicely designed one. I think I'd like to stop by next time and just watch. There was a 5 year old on his board, real smooth. He was the smallest and the youngest with same board like big boys. Another kid brought a tub of caramel popcorn and munched off that when I arrived and was still munching off the same tub when I left. He looked like he was in candy heaven, totally happy.
As for North Face,..... I'm begining to think I've got a North Face addiction. They just have nice products. I saw two back packs I didn't need but really liked and was totally beautifully, functionally, brilliantly designed in my opinion. It was a good thing it was over $110. So I didn't walk out with them. The other one had a dragon on it. That was cool, a red dragon.
As much as I get lazy about heading over to Berkeley, there is always North Face and Berkeley Bowl, Acme Bakery to pull me north. Of course while I'm there I might as well also stop by Teance to see friends. And of course while I'm at Teance I should stop by 4th street shops etc.... It usually ends up being a whole day adventure. There is a new Thai Vegetarian place on Shattack that was coming soon, I wonder if it is opened by now?