Just Tacky


I am a wedding photographer.  I notified a couple that I was contracted to photograph that I was too much in grief struck from a death of a bride to photograph their wedding and told them there was a replacement photographer.  

Then the dead bride had sent me a parting cocktail dress, very Versace.  Somehow I felt the need to share this with the couple at their reception of which I am now crashing after saying I can’t attend, totally inappropriate. 

I don’t even now this bride that died to be in this much grief but I couldn’t stop the drama within.  As I showed the dress at the head wedding reception table I noticed there were tacky primary color pinwheel flowers tacked on the collar and I knew this was all off, something was wrong, and it was clear this was not real, this was a set up.  I was somehow in this grief drama and I could not get out, I couldn’t even walk and I had to be escorted out.