"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha
Peace and Quiet
Snowboarding Day 28 Season 2011
I made it out to the lift at 9:30am. It was all powder 5 to 7 inches of powder everywhere. It was just a winter wonderland. It’s like Christmas, all the trees were covered in powder. I snowboarded until 3:50pm. I spent all my time in the woods, circling trees, crossing the woods in powder. I was so tired my legs burned, my knee swelled. I fell on powder in the woods. I loved sitting on powder. I had so much fun circling trees, going between tress, underneath branches, time just flew by. Six hours did not feel like six hours. I didn’t want to waste time. I spent it all on the powder riding, it was thick and buttery powder, just fun. My body was so tired and I had so much fun that at the end of the last ride I found myself laughing giddy. It was a combination of fatigue, relaxation, joy and all day of happy chemicals kicking in. When I left on my last ride I found myself in need of making vocal sounds so I can be heard for safety precaution due to the lack of visibility.
I really wanted a photo of me in the woods. I located the self timer button and had it all set up for me to click then push off and ride on my board. I dropped the camera lens down on the powder. I tried to dry it off. I ended up having to get down to the restroom to use the hand blower to dry the lens off. I hope it helped. I hope that did it to save it.
The powder today unlike the other day, it was icy and in strings. The other day it was powdery round. I laid on the snow and made a heart shaped snowball. I had fun tossing powder in the air, it was fun.
I realized I better enjoy the trees because there are no mosquitoes. It is rare to be able to just sit quietly still for awhile and enjoy the trees and the scenery. Usually the mosquitoes become an encouragement to not be still. These woods, I would not have access to without the snow, it really is not good for hiking, way too steep.
Broke my brace, ridding on one brace, super dangerous but I don't want to stop ridding.
I was so hungry, I finished all my Indian pouches. It’s cold today. It was only 10 degrees in the mountain. Most people were cold and wet. The NOAA site said 50’s but at ten thousand feet with snow and wind, it’s a different weather system than down at the lake.
Contemplation tonight, “It’s all okay, most of all, I don’t want turbulence. I am clear and honest with myself, I am not cut out for all this. I just want peace, quiet, joy, warmth.”