Laughing is the Time Portal


I am in a time where there are horses, no carriages yet for transportation.  Floor of houses had dirt and was barren earth soil.  I am carrying 2 male babies, they were large, the size of 2 year olds.  I am single.  I am homeless.  I am a wreck.  A house takes me in and introduces me to a man who will take me in along with the boys who seem like my children but I didn’t give birth to them.  I somehow had them with me.  The house took pity and took me in. 
Next scene I am in a canteen, dinning place, serves buffet.  I helped out here cleaning up after everyone.  The medicine woman runs this place.  She is the go to person for information and knowledge.  The kitchen cook is like her front and ways of helping people and how she makes a living.  Rumor has it she helps people out, like leap out of this realm and their conditions.  

I saw men lean on a wall in attempt to get out.  This wall is special.  It is the doorway to out, a portal.  No one has figured out how to use it to make it work.  I felt it was through laughter and joy and so I thought of what was happy and would make me laugh.  I laughed continuously with each laugh I moved a step into and through the wall that is like a few feet of concrete.  I was inside the wall of concrete.  I watched myself laugh and how I progressed with each laugh.  I was concerned about not laughing and getting stuck in the limbo of darkness. 
On the other side of the wall, where I made it to, the other side, finally, the other realm, I stepped onto the Sierra Mountains with trees of the Sierras covering the whole place full of sequoias and pines.