I recalled when I was younger, h ow much I enjoyed taking things apart and figuring out what's what on the inside. I used to take apart the hair dryer, the radio, music boxes and marvel at what all it could do.
Some time in high school I discovered how much I enjoyed repetitive things that involved precision, perfection, concentration in detail like drafting. I was very active when I was a child and hardly stood still. I think I just had a lot of energy and enjoyed life, sleep and eating was a waste of time to me because it meant less time for this and that. But I also learned that I enjoy sitting quietly for a long time drafting, drawing, painting etc... I could sit and paint for a week on one piece of work and not care about food or sleep. Such concentration scared me at times and I also enjoyed it.
Budget half gone and two more weeks to go, so now I must make a list and carefully budget out the rest of the two weeks so I am not stuck without money to spend.
For dinner I went with my 3rd uncle and his family to ShiLin area and ate at Chao Yuan Vegetarian Restaurant. You can take the metro and get off at ZiShan Station. My cousin YiLin 3rd uncle's son, told me over dinner how he is into cycling and that you only burn sugar the first 40minutes of cardio workout. It is only after 40 minutes of continual cardio workout that you start to burn fat. He said that each bite of food much be chewed over 30 times in the mouth to get proper digestive juices going in your body to properly digest the food for absorption. I certainly don't do that anymore. It used to take me 30 minutes to eat 8 oz of food. I think that is why I didn't like eating, it took so long. Hard for anyone who knows me now to think I didn't like to eat. But it's true. Then in college, I swallowed my food, inhaled it because I was literally running here and there. Now it will take complete retraining to eat that way. Hard to imagine I'll stick to it. Is it reversible?