Blueberries as Big as Grapes!

Day 17

I didn’t blanket the top half of my body and woke cold at 2:30am.  It was another night of bad dreams.  I hit the highway at 6:30am after doing morning ceremony.  There was crazy traffic at this early hour all over Orange County and LA area.  I made it into Santa Barbara at 10am.  I pulled up to Taco Bell for food.  Then I went to Starbucks to sit on the couch and charge batteries.  Why is it this Starbucks does not have croissants?

The central coast weather is quite familiar like Santa Cruz, foggy, over caste.  IT has its charms of lightness, creativity, inspirations.  However I do miss the hot blazing blinding sun of Utah, Arizona.  It is in fact drizzling and I am in shorts and T-shirts. 

I missed the pull out for 10 avocados for 1 dollar.  I saw a Blueberry Farm and pulled off south of San Luis Obispo.  I’ve never seen blueberries like this or tasted this flavorful.  They are the best I’ve had, sweet, and fragrantly flavorful.  Some of them are the size of grapes.  This was why the air smelled so good and sweet.  I turned the bucket upside down and sat on it while I ate blueberries off the bushes.  I wish I could take these back and share them with family and friends.  Too bad, it won’t work out that way.  I ate so much I was stuffed to the max, over dose on blueberries.  I don’t believe it will be life threatening.  I am so happy with my bucket of blueberries I picked for the road. 

My abs are sore from playing in the water yesterday.  In May I was sad that I wasn’t having much fun in my daily life.  I think there is no contention to how I have not been taking care of myself on a daily basis.  Why was having fun, laughing, happiness on the bottom of my daily to do list.  

Drove to Pismo Beach area and ended up in Grover End.  It was cold and sunny at the same time.  I found a sandy groove to lay on and had to block the cold draft and the blazing sun.  It was quite an interesting combination to juggle.  It felt so peaceful to lay on the beach.  There is space to go within here and feels safe to do so.  It’s not a crowded beach, my kind of beach. 

Ate lentil soup and spaghetti ring power heated by the solar sun off the dash board.  It totally works.  I think I am eating too much for all this sitting and driving.  I used the beach restroom to give myself a shower.  There was no one else around.  The place was super run down and dirty. 

With this California car trip, I am clear I that I didn’t miss anything by not going to UCLA.  I see that I was already in Santa Cruz the whole time, I just didn’t know that.  The SoCal living is just not my lifestyle at all, not what my soul needs, none of it nutritional feeds me. 

From this moment forward, my future daily life shall not fall short of what I have experienced in these past two and half weeks.  The quality of internal strength, peace, contentment, and sweetness are all difficult to put into words.  Each and every day shall not be wasted in any measure less that that. 

I spent time doing art while I waited for my freshly washed hair to dry by the sun and wind.  The sun turned molten orange gold during sunset while the sea turned light glistening aquamarine blue and the foamy bubbly waves turned soft lavender.  Magic occurs all the time.  I just don’t take the time to notice.  I don’t bother with the gifts offered to me effortlessly.  I somehow made it a habit to turn a blind eye.  Nature is a wonderful artist and a beautiful painter.  The sky and ocean is an amazing canvas for infinite possibilities of colors, textures, and patterns. 

This car get more care than the average human teeth and gums.
I personally like Grover Beach better than Pismo Beach where the downtown scenes are.  There are tons of RV parks, they are all packed.  The North Campground State Park is like camping in your own backyard.  I have not come across anything amazing at all to camp.  I guess it’s another night of sleeping in the car.  I picked Harloe due to the easy morning access to the beach for a dawn stroll on the beach and seashell picking.  
I'll need and elevator to get into this truck.