"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha
Moon Hill
I went up to Moon Hill myself while Danica opted out of hiking. She went for a massage and more shopping. The whole thing wasn't all that spectacular in my opinion. But the view down was nice in to the farm valley with the Guilin mountain in the background. On the trail I saw lots of beautiful butterflies of different shapes and colors. They are so beautiful. On Emei Shan I saw lots of butterflies and giant moths that are intricate in texture and color. At the Banyan Tree area, I saw beautiful red dragon flies, they were really delicate looking and the green ones were bigger. All these insects are cool to me because well, I don't get to see them often and when they show up it's like magic or locating a pot of gold, a nice brief surprise.