Strolling Around West Lake

It didn’t rain this morning. I got up late to recite and meditate. I didn’t officially roll off bed till 11am. I went for food at the Historical Street and checked it out in day light. It was Sunday and all the locals showed up as well. It was quite a fair and fun to watch people.

I really like the steamed pastry with red beans in the middle. I also liked up for hand pulled Silky Candied Caramel. I took photo of the workers making it. One of them assumed I was a journalist. The candy when eaten fresh was crispy, flaky, and fun.

I went to walk West Lake. It was overcastted and grey on the verge of rain again. While walking I slipped on mud. Something I normally don’t do especially with the camera on me. When I fell, the camera on my neck hit the ground too. I think that hurt more than my body. The odd thing was, earlier I even had trouble with the camera itself.

I walked the West Lake, all around. I think this is not the season to see it. I hear spring is really gorgeous. Most people who do the whole circle do it on bikes. I decided I could see more on foot. It’s really easy to miss things when going on wheels. There is a very relaxing quality to the whole feel of the place. I can see why people of the past wrote infinite poems on West Lake or while they were hanging out here not wanting to return to their home land. I walked around looking for a good spot for tea but I didn’t locate anything to my liking with a proper view so I passed.

After returning from my walk, I met my new bunk mate Hiyohe who is from Tokyo. He went to Canada for college. He is traveling searching for inspiration. Hiyohe wants to write philosophy books and change the world that way. His is a Leo and says he can’t live without having rice in every meal. His thing in China, is stir-fry rice with an egg. The other new bunk mate was Joe from Hong Kong. He is on vacation for a weekend. He works at a copier center. The two guys are from different islands but they are similar in manner, tone, and in general all over. The three of us hit it off alright. We all have similar bed time habits, which was to read and write before we rolled in to sleep.