Silver is Still Alive!

Day 1 

I woke up super tired, ill to the belly, and a cold prickly acidic feeling.  I heated hot water for tea to warm up my belly.  I had extra hot water left and nowhere to put it.  I ended up hugging it to warm up my body. 

Contemplating the annual Buddhist Sutra Meditation camping retreat I am to enter today, I had this prayer.  In service, my hopes are for all to grow strong, to transform, to transcend the upside down ways of the mind that creates karmic habits of Saha world. 

I woke up with a sore back and I woke up tired.  I just want to rest some more. The seaweed sweet potato porridge was awesome, just what I needed.  I so needed this meal seven days ago.  I juiced all the oranges and it was a perfect 32 oz. 

I rolled off at 12:15pm, I was already sweaty, dirty, and gross from packing.  The staff tried to clean my site all morning but checkout was 1pm and I had plenty of time to take my time.  The maintenance crew here runs the place like hotel crew.  They all zip out at 10am from somewhere and see each other once a day, check in and then get to work. 

I pulled over at Coosbay at McDonalds to get on the Wireless.  It was lovely to receive mail from my brother in law Andrew offering  phone card access incase I run out of phone minutes.  I parked next to a single mom with two teenage daughters.  The mother and older daughter sat in the car while the younger one shared a smoke with same age boy leaning on the mom’s car.  It was a strange sight to me.  That the mother would approve of the smoking and that all three of them were on a date at McDonalds.   

The drive from Coosby to Reedsport was long and exhausting somehow.  I just felt lots of static interference hitting me at once.  I don’t even know how I made it to the retreat safely and how I managed to stay awake. 

I pulled into the Lower Smith River road and it looked different every year.  I wouldn’t have recognized it by the scenery.  When I pulled into Half Can, Silver didn’t greet, he was no where around.  I wondered if he was alive.  I felt Matt was sleeping.  Everything was locked and I needed to pee bad.  I didn’t want to pee on monastery grounds even though we are camping, but I had drank so much OJ.  So I packed my tent and squeezed through the fence and gate, which was also locked.  I hiked up the hill and set up my tent and dried the space blanket.  I can tell the men will have their work cut out for them.  There just is so much to do to get this retreat space set up for the mass to arrive in a few days. 

I asked the same site as usual for permission to rest there.  It’s always nice to get permission.  The bed was covered with soft and tender needles.  If it wasn’t for the twigs and rocks I’d just sleep on it as is.

I enjoyed my stroll down the hill back to Half Can.  I liked this quiet alone time any time of the day.  This hill, maybe it’s the angle of steepness, it commands respect for quiet contemplation.  Usually I am just too tired from a lot of work that I can’t take in the details of the hill.  This very moment might just be my only chance to take it all in on this once a year retreat. 

I had planned to hike a few more times to carry the rest of the stuff on my back.  When I got down to the Half Can Silver was there whimpering.  “He’s alive!” I happily thought, “thinner but alive.”  The doors were open and I saw Matt cleaning.  He looked like a monk with hair.  His face looked holy in this moment of solitude in cleaning. 

We sat underneath the tart Granny Smith apple tree and chatted.  When he chatted he had rage in his eyes and face.  He talked about high school friends and how he went to his 50th reunion at the age of 73 and how his peers have jet setting jobs, lifestyle etc..  He didn’t’ see himself as successful of a person in Turtle Mountain as a steward.  That he had a few panic attacks this years and took himself to the hospital.  When he was in this negative emotional state he looked like a layman, totally off centered, ungrounded, needy, clingy dependant. 

So I didn’t do my second or third hike in my bad ankle.  I was saved by the presence of Stacy and everyone else’s arrival.  I was glad I didn’t show up any earlier than I did because I could not handle Matt or Silver’s emotional dispositions.

 I watched Stacy, Tina, Alice get out of the car and I noticed how harmonious they were.  I was happy to have such a good start to begin this retreat. 

Dinner was noodle soup for simplicity.  Elaine and Tina showed up with Yip and Sim.  Yip is eating one meal a day.  Sim is Vietnamese form Hungry who has been learning Mandarin in CTTB the last 6 months.  She is very helpful but tries to run the kitchen without experience in general or knowledge and is lost in translation, so it was a bit overwhelming for me to work with her. 

Matt started to get going when people arrived.  Some people do need others to jump start their stagnant slump. 

The washer was clogged and I couldn’t do laundry. 

There was issues from last year and stuff gets lost in communication in translation and distance that it was best to just follow Stacy’s instructions on how to handle supplies this year in order to avoid more drama.  I didn’t get to shower tonight.  The shower has yet to be cleaned, it’s been a whole year since it was last cleaned.  I should have showered before I left camp this morning.  We ate dinner  in candle light. 

I noticed both Silver and Matt were both off this year, I wondered if their life line was coming to a closure. 

Two tents were set up for Henry’s truck in the Can so when they arrive they can just roll their stuff into the Can and just go to sleep.  All of Elaine’s crew’s stuff is on Henry’s truck, so they sat above in the loft for the night because even the loft has yet to be cleaned.