Today 4th Aunty and I took the bus to Long Men Si, an old temple. We stopped by a local vendor and had fresh sugar cane juice and hot and crispy and juicy cabbage buns. It was so simple and so delicious. Then it was more shopping at the underground mall and local nearby shops. Everything 4th aunty went for were all sweat pants or shirt related. She wouldn't let me buy anything outside of that and I didn't want to buy any of those things. It was interesting to go through this so I didn't buy anything. I guess that's fine, save money since I really don't have any.
Chen Chen's girlfriend came over for dinner and we cooked together. Dinner wasn't that interesting somehow but everyone politely ate bits here and there. After sending his girlfriend off, he and I went to local Blockbusters and rented movies and watched till wee hours. There is this silent understanding and agreement that we would watch together all three of us so we'd wait until Chan Chan got back and usually this means some time after 11pm is when we start to hang out together. It's cool by me. I really enjoy their company.