I was suppose to deliver a blanket to one of the most needy in the slums but due to lack of coordination my service action plan fell through. Sneha however went with her partner and they went to an elderly couple in the slums who sleeps on the ground and uses the newspaper for blanket.
This reminded me of a story during Shakyamuni Buddha’s time where a couple offered the only article of clothing they both shared. They were so poor that they only owned a pair of pants and only one of them could wear it at a time and they would take turns.
When I first heard this story, I truly had difficulty in relating to it or even imagine such things. I thought, “oh you know stories get passed down and on and things get exaggerated etc.. to make the point.” Well, I have been to the slums, met with the people, shook their hands and saw the conditions they are in. That story is not old, out dated and it’s not out there. It’s here, it’s real, and I have come acrossed it.