I woke up and meditated for a long time. It was working for me. I like those kinds of meditation, it’s not like pulling teeth the old fashion way. But in actuality the meditation was inspired by lots of tension and pain in the body from the train ride and fatigue in general. I knew if the meditation didn’t take care of it then it’s hopeless.
Today we switched from the women’s volunteer dorm house to the Sanitarium Center because it would undergo renovation. So we all packed up and went across the street to the Sanitarium. I heard there was a toilet garden, so instead of roses it’s got toilets for the garden. I didn’t quite understand it in the beginning and thought, “we will have to use modern toilets out in the open in open space? But why.…”
The founder of this center was an inventor of toilets and sanitation process in India. During Gandhi’s time he invented portable toilets for the salt march to the ocean for the masses. That’s cool!