"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha
Saved by My Precept Bubble
This morning after tea and oatmeal for breakfast in my room I decided to rest some more and head out when lunch time came around. I saw a man with white eyes and he was black and grey. He was cold, his eyes had light of a cold high beam. It did not shine forth warm sunshine. He used them as scanner scanning for people. His eyes scanned onto me and the light hit my bubble but it only saw darkness. He didn’t see me. I instantly knew somehow without a doubt that this bubble that was protecting me was my precept bubble. What is a Buddhist Precept Bubble? I didn’t know I even had one until now. Behind him were men who looked like worker soldiers on a mission. As they passed by I saw they were working for a female snake of desire. They were all in her troop, and together they all formed the shape of the female snake. What a sight. They were looking for people for her to eat so she can lay her eggs into people and her babies would hatch in time and live off the people.