"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha
Monkey Bits At Wan Nian Si
I was hungry and wanted to sit down for a bit before I exited the monastery. I noticed that with all the tour groups running around people did not have hand bags or back packs on them. I figured they just left them in their tour bus to make the trek easier. I saw a pavillion with a tour group to the left, in the middle, there were monkeys around being fed by other visitors with fruit. I didn't know there were monkeys here. It was surprise for me and I felt it was safe to sit away from the monkey to the left. I sat to photograph a monkey and then all of a sudden, all three monkeys jumped on me and attacked me. I jumped up asking the monkeys why they are doing this to me as I sped away.
Everyone was laughing off their seats and no one came to me to help me in any way. I was in so much shock and pain that my legs trembled and I could hardly stand. My pants were full of brown muddy monkey paws. I got badly bit in five different places on both legs. I was black, blue, and red. I couldn't believe I was bleeding and that this was all happening while everyone around me just continued to laugh.
I looked right into the eyes of the big monkey who seems to be the head of the gang. I saw that in the past we were all humans and I was also a member of his gang along with the other two monkeys. I decided to leave the gang and not follow him and his unlawful habits. He was mad that I left the group and no longer followed him as a leader. I told him I don't regret parting with the group because I would have ended up as a monkey like them continuing in their monkey habits under his leadership. I'll just call it debt paid.
I like animals and still do, but now,.... monkeys, no way, no more Jane Goodall and all her primates.