I saw Yens on the way back, they had just arrived from Ice Lake and was switching horses to head back to De Ching the same night. They looked terrible. They looked really tired. They looked like they had a rough ride. Well, it was a rough trail to begin with regardless if you were on a horse or not. It was already 3pm, they hopped onto another horse to help them up the first 10% inclined and dash for the rest 90%. I worried for them. I really didn't think his wife could dash down the mountain. I worried they'd be stuck in the dark with out flash light because it broke. I worried they'd be rained on if they didn't dash. But they were determined to head out.
I also saw Chen who asked me what my plans were and I told him I just came back from a 6 hour hike and I was not interested in hiking for the rest of the day. I just wanted some food, water, and rest. In fact, I haven’t really slept in days. Chen on his own headed for Lower YuBeng Valley where the head trail for the Sacred Waterfalls was. I told him it was beautiful there and much nicer. He wanted to sleep there tonight so he can have a head start for the falls the next day. I really need a good night sleep. I wanted to do my Buddhist practice of reciting and meditating. I wanted to just sit and read. I wanted down time. I wanted a shower but all I’ve got was a pan and cold water.
I went and got a new room from the owner who put me above the residence room on the second floor. Below the residence floor was the open barn floor filled with live stock of pigs, horses, chicken, etc. So technically I was on the third floor. This room was across the construction sight for the new Guest House. It sure was noisy with the chainsaw and all.
I rested and kept warm because I have been soaking wet in my sweat and the body cool down is fast so I blanket myself tight to not catch a cold during cool down and listened to the music from the rain outside. Glad I was not on the trail with Chen in the rain. The rain I saw in the falls had traveled out.
I sat and meditated. It felt nice. I always find it odd this way. When I meditate, I ask myself, “Why would I want to do anything else besides this, this is great.” When I chant, I tell myself, “I just want to chant for the rest of my life, this is wonderful.” When I bow, I tell myself, “I just want to keep bowing, this is good for me.” When I listen to the Dharma, I tell myself, “I just want to keep listening to the Dharma always, why would I want to do anything else?” When I recite mantra, I tell myself, “I just want to recite all the time even in my sleep. This is the best. Why would I want to do anything else?” Then when I drink excellent tea, I tell myself, “This is the best, I can drink tea the rest of my life like this.” Then when I come across my pretty cloths, I tell myself, “Just beautiful, I just want to wear these clothes and do everything in them.”
I decided the food sucked in the tent and ate whatever snacks I hiked in with me. I ate 3 dates, 20 pistachios, 3 tiny sheets of nori, 2 crackers, and an apple from the apple tree outside.