"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha
Burning Red Bottoms
We passed by the Deer Park and it had monkeys all over the trees. Yup, I was afraid of the monkeys and kept my distance and was ready to cowardly hide behind little ten year old Paros for protection if need be. All the monkeys were covered in dust. Lost of them had burning red bottoms. Most of them looked ill. They didn't look that much better than the cows or dogs on the street.
We returned to the house for brunch. It may be a practice of the house or in Nepal to take two official meals one at 10:30am then the other in the evening with a snack late in the afternoon. I was served a Nepalese Thali, it is served on a tray with rice, dal, and vegetables. Today it was curry potatos, bitter greens, dal and rice. I was grateful that they took into consideration of my diet being vegetarian and without onions and garlic. We took our meal on the roof top where the kitchen was and sun bathed afterwards. I enjoyed the warm sun. I was cold last night.