After all the security checks I was able to actually be on the plane. I went for my seat on the plane and found a elder French lady sitting in my seat. She had hard hearing and sat in my center seat of three in our row. I just let that be and sat in the isle and introduced myself to the two ladies in my row. The other lady was Linda from Australia and she sat at the window.
Linda is a high school teacher. She told me after landing in Delhi she is heading straight to Dharmsala on a bus. Well, I invited myself onto her 12 day tour in India. She agreed to pair up with me. I told her at any point she can tell me to go if it wasn't working out for her. I think we were both relieved to have someone to travel with in India. Plus, she did her homework on India and had a the Lonely Planet, that was color coded. So, I understand now why I had to miss the two buses into India. I understand why I had to be on this particular airplane. I had to meet and pair up with Linda and travel together in India.
When the meal carts came down the isle, something smelled rancid. It was gross. And when the cart came to me, it had already run out of vegetarian meals. I was offered chicken and I was quite offended and upset. It would have been betterto not to offer me chicken. All land all, I think it was a good thing to have run out of meals because it saved me from a possible upset digestion system. I have been on good blessings to be in good health all this time. I haven't had to use any of the medicine I brought for myself. I have had the opportunities to share them with others who needed them. It was a good thing I had Mr.Gupta's samosas.