I woke up early and was in resistance to getting up but I was clear I had to be out of the hotel by 6:45am for the 8am flight in the airport back to Kathmandu. That I had to take the plane and not the bus. Well, I don't have a plane ticket and I decided I would just pick one up at the airport. There was no time to meet up with Li Wei, Nassir, or Shabhil to part. In fact I would be missing my day with Shabhil. Oh well, just how it goes.
I made it to the airport in a few minutes. It's a really small town. There was fog this morning. All planes were grounded until the fog lifted a few hours later. Now I understood why I had to be here at 8am. Because I didn't have a plane ticket I had to get the first flight out. When the plane was able to take off hours later in the afternoon I would be one of the first ones on. If I was in the later flight, my flight would not take off till the evening. So it goes to follow good intuition at times.
While sitting outside by the runway with tea, I met Deepitka and her husband at the aiport. I first met her husband who walked by and spot me sitting and enjoying the view of the fog. He asked me, "Do I know you?" I smiled back, replying in my mind, not yet from this life time. I waited for more response from him before I spoke. He then asked me straight out if I was born on Dec. 8th. At this time I verbally replied and said, "Yes." He asked me if I was into numerology. I told him I'm into a whole bunch of things. He gave me information on all sorts of divination friends he had who were accurate but are in the closet about it in terms of identity. That if I was to ever visit Kolcatta, I should look him up and he would connect me. He is a lawyer who works with non-profit organizations in legality of finance and endowments, etc... He has two offices, one in Kolcatta and one in Delhi.
Deepitka works for Citi Bank. While her husband took a smoke break to digest our encounter, she shared her private thoughts with me. I learned that she is a Soto Zen Student and she is actually on her way to visit a Hindu Guru in the Mountains to heal her relationship with her husband. They have been in distress over in-law issues. I see that they have a beautiful relationsip and they love each other very much, but the strains that are put in their relationship makes it very difficult to continue to stay happy together. I have a feeling that I came to Pokhara to meet them fog and to have this chat with them. By the time we were done, the fog lifted and they walked away feeling better about each other.
My affinity with Deepitka had to do with similar experiences. At age twelve, we both became our mother's mother. We took a jump from being a child to parenthood, from twelve to Seventy. There was a strong absence of nurturing and support during both our critical developmental stages. Maybe that is why I don't feel like an adult and have trouble assimilating myself. There is a whole chunck of my life missing and until it is filled, there is always going to be a kind of strange awkwardness within.
While lining up at the gate when the fog lifted, there were many tour groups present. I think people are funny at times and all deportment goes away with people during a line or traffic on the highway. The kinds of people you think wouldn't cheat and cut in line or bump you out etc... does it all. What an ugly sight.
For the flight, I got to sit on the left side of the plane with window seat. Ah.....once again, the views of the Himalayian Peaks. This makes the entire trip to Pokhara worth it and the plane ticket too. So majestically beautiful!