"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha
Sunsets and Pina Coladas
I dreamed a female snake was captured. Instead of destruction, I had 100 councilors give it readings. It was pretty cool. I just wanted things to get resolved. So I prescribed resolutions.
I woke up and decided to go for another snorkel day tour. I enjoyed my tour the second time around. It was very windy and towards the end of the tour swimming in the ocean became difficult and unsafe. The rain started to roll and we all climbed back into the boat and headed back.
After the rain passed I went into the water again and snorkeled some more. The tide was low so it wasn’t much for swimming, it was more like a crawl with my hands. As a result I got to notice things I otherwise would not have noticed being so close to the beach bed. I had to watch out for the black spiny sea urchins. I finally figured what the neon colored rings on them were, it’s their butt.
I learned the bar in front of my hut has virgin Pina Coladas for 40 BHT. I decided it would be a good way to watch sunsets with.